Louisa Boren STEM K-8

Louisa Boren STEM

Middle School

Middle School at Louisa Boren K8

Louisa Boren STEM K-8 Middle School

Our middle school is built on a powerful vision, K–8 curriculum alignment, a strong school community, and STEM programs.

What does our middle school program look like?

It’s not just a middle school! Louisa Boren STEM K–8 is a Kindergarten through 8th Grade STEM program.  Important components include an emphasis on STEM curriculum, Project-based learning (PBL), and Positive Discipline.

Program Information and Highlights:

6th – 8th grade science curricula align with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  These standards, released in 2013, are each composed of three dimensions: disciplinary core ideas, cross cutting concepts, and science & engineering practices.  Students learn to think, read, write, and investigate like a scientist.  Project-based learning is readily integrated in the science classroom as students apply what they learn to solve real-world problems in a two-hour block.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) :
7th and 8th graders have access to Introduction to Technology, a CTE program that utilizes one of the two remaining middle school wood shops in Seattle Public Schools.  Using machines such as the band saw, chop saw, drill press and other handheld tools, students learn basic model fabrication and construction techniques.  Students apply industrial mathematics to problems in physics, electricity, building design and energy conservation.  As more service-oriented work is incorporated into the curriculum, students will learn to recognize challenges and use their new skills to create projects designed to improve the world around them.

Students at STEM K-8 follow the enVision Mathematics curriculum in grades 1 through 7, with all 7th graders taking “Math 7-8 Compacted,” an accelerated course which prepares them to take Algebra in 8th grade. 8th grade students then follow the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum for Algebra 1, enabling them to pursue advanced mathematics courses in high school.

STEM K–8 middle school students are steeped in 21st Century Learning Skills. They use technology tools to support creative thinking, collaborative work, and innovative problem solving.

Project Based Learning (PBL):
PBL is a dynamic teaching method in which students explore real world problems and challenges. PBL experiences are based on inquiry, rigorous standards, integrated curriculum, and produce public displays of collaborative work. Students must communicate their learning to others. With active and engaged learning, students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they study.

Electives, After school programs:
STEM K–8 middle school students have access to Band, Art/Technology, PE, and other elective classes. Athletics include Ultimate frisbee, basketball, soccer, and volleyball. After school enrichment vary throughout the year but include robotics, drama, and fine arts.

Students currently at STEM are automatically assigned to our middle school program. New 6th, 7th and 8th graders fall under the assignment policies for option schools. K–8 students throughout the West Seattle Region are eligible for transportation to STEM subject to existing guidelines.