Louisa Boren STEM K-8

Louisa Boren STEM

What is STEM?

What is STEM?

STEM stands for four key areas of focus:

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics

The term was first coined by Judith Ramaley, the former director of the National Science Foundation’s Education and Human Resources Division. This approach to education is designed to revolutionize the teaching of subject areas such as mathematics and science by incorporating technology and engineering into regular curriculum. As the world’s economy changes and evolves, the skills encompassed in STEM education will be critical for today’s students to become tomorrow’s innovators and leaders.

STEM helps students succeed. Mastering STEM subjects in elementary school gives students the basic technological, scientific and mathematical literacy they will need to succeed in middle school, high school and college.

STEM helps students prepare for the future. Washington State is increasingly becoming a high tech economy. Students who have the skills to become scientists, technology experts, engineers, and mathematicians will be prepared for the exciting economies and careers of the future.

Want to learn more? Washington STEM has a lot of great information on the  Washington STEM website.